Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Cancel that protocol you bastard!

I'll just start by saying I fucking hate BT internet, and I'm not sure what a PPP protocol is but if it cancels one more time I'll put this plastic bastard through the window.

Well actually that's just big talk (like wat kids car do), what I will actually do is curse under my breath and imagine the joy of lofting this mechanised bastard into space only for it to come crashing down onto the pavement outside, cancel that protocol you bastard!

Bit of techno trouble there but 'techno notice' (Partridge special), more importantly the weather has been really strange lately. I don't want this to dissolve into a weather blog, there are plenty about with such insightful thoughts as 'it's raining outside' and 'why does it always rain in this country', so i suppose I better give this writing a point hadn't I?

While the Zuton fever infects my brain I shall attempt to solve another mental puzzle to ease the suffering of my mind and try to solve the mystery of what came first, Pretty Rave Girl by I am X-Ray or All I Ever Wanted by Basshunter. Now while this pales in comparison to the major problems of the world it's probably much more interesting fare than the pages of Heat or Wow or Cunt or whatever these magazines are calling themselves these days, and would help me sleep that little bit easier at night. So if anyone who has heard both could do me the favour of answering this chicken egg style question I would be very grateful and maybe even reward you with a big hug*

By the way (never will I use BTW) if anyone has taken that last paragraph as a representation of my musical tastes of late please award me with more credit, although that sounded really big headed I don't want to die after writing this blog and have people read the last thing I ever wrote and play 'Now You're Gone' at my funeral. That space is reserved for Ben E.King that crazy fool and his standing related songs, seeing as we are all so fat these days if he was about now he'd have probably opted for sit by me, possibly adding pass me the doritos.

And that is the brain spill of a one off man mental, other things came into my head while writing this and they were as follows:
1.Does anyone share my philosophy on Mario from big brother resembling the main character on Dead Rising when he had a lego head on?
2.Do fat people feel upset when they see the extra sized fry containers in Burger King and know by law they can't obtain them?
3.Is winter really better than summer?
4.Why did I burn my hand saturday night?

They didn't seem important enough to bother the rest of the stuff I had written but please let me know your opinions.

Flounder and Jetsom,


*hug has no cash value and is not transferrable

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